Sunday, October 12, 2014

Provisioning Docker containers with Weave and Upstart

Someday it will be nice to pick a hosting service and have all of your Docker containers magically hook together correctly, securely, and quickly scale. But it just isn't quite there yet. Weave is a nice utility for creating an overlay network which can keep your containers connected on different servers even in different data centers or different hosting providers.

Below is a Upstart configuration that will allow you to keep Weave running and come back after server reboot. Simply do "sudo start weave" to get the service running the first time. You should also edit your /etc/default/ file to add in the options to keep it from restarting containers since our Upstart service is designed to do that for us: DOCKER_OPTS="-r=false"

description "Weave Docker Network Service"
start on filesystem and started
stop on runlevel [!2345]
 /usr/bin/docker rm -f weave || true
 /usr/local/bin/weave launch {other server public ip(s) here}
 /usr/bin/docker attach weave
end script

We make sure docker is running first before starting Weave. This configuration was on Ubuntu 14.04; prior to that the docker service was just docker without the io. You can run this on each of your servers with a different 10.100.0.x ip and specifying all of the other servers ip after it so they stay connected.

Next we can start a typical Docker container like a Mongo database on one of our servers. We will keep it running with Upstart as well and make sure it starts after Weave.

description "Mongo Database Service"
start on filesystem and started weave
stop on runlevel [!2345]
pre-start script
 mkdir -p /data/db
end script
 /usr/bin/docker rm -f mongo || true
 /usr/local/bin/weave run --name mongo mongo:2.6
 /usr/bin/docker attach mongo
end script

Go to one of your other servers and use the script below to connect to your Mongo database running in a container on a different server.
# connect to the mongo db from any weave enabled host

sudo docker rm -f db_connect; sudo weave run --name db_connect -it mongo:2.6 /bin/sh -c "mongo"; sudo docker attach db_connect

Try it out on Digital Ocean using a couple of their smallest plans. The link will give you $10 credit - enough to run two of the smallest servers for a month.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

CoreOS Floating IP

Using fleetctl to run Docker containers in CoreOS will start the container on a random member of the cluster and then restart it attomatically on another member if that one becomes unavailable.  This works great for most containers but you need a consistent way to reach an entry point whether it is a load balancer or an apache front end.

We can use the ExeStartPre and ExeStopPost commands from the fleetctl unit file to add and delete a virtual IP when our service is started and stopped.


ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/ip addr add dev enp0s8
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm=true --name webapp -p 80:80 coreos/apache /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND

ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop webapp
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/ip addr del dev enp0s8
